St Marks Hospital, Maidenhead
This unusual “T” shaped garden was designed to support the rehabilitation work of this physiotherapy ward while being safe for the 80% of patients with dementia. The presentation plan was put on display and used to help raise funds for some of the planting and accessories. Detailed construction plans clearly showed the quality of installation needed for this garden with a definite purpose.
The paths were accessible form the main ward lounge and the physio gym with a variety of surfaces commonly found in the domestic home and public spaces so patients could practise on these. All the paths loop back to the main entrances with a wide range of distances possible and numerous benches to take a rest along the way. A path with a slight rise was included on this flat site to enable the building of stamina and to practice on a slope other than the ramps more commonly found around the hospital.
Planting provides all year around interest, attractive to insects, is light and airy near windows and sensory where accessible and incorporated many very familiar garden plants. The Gazebo, benches and large patio provided plenty of space for patients, families, staff and other visitors to relax and enjoy being outside.
Dementia Care Home Garden
This garden was designed on behalf of Hillier Landscapes, who the Designer carries out some design work for. This garden serves a dementia ward at a care home and needed re-designing to help make this a more usable space while having to work with some of the existing paths and levels due to budget constraints. The previous space was confusing with a maze like series of paths and box hedging. A new patio space enabled residents to access a large social space immediately outside the door. The paths were simplified and opened up with clear sightlines around the garden. The door was painted to stand out more clearly helping residents find their own way back in.
A planting palette of suitable generationally memorable and sensory plants was provided for the home. They then worked with their dementia residents, family, staff and the gardener to choose which plants they wished to have from within this plant list.
Prospect Park Hospital, Reading
This physiotherapy hospital garden was designed to improve the access and use of the garden space as a part of their work to rehabilitate patients and provide a pleasant place to sit outside. A detailed concept presentation plan enabled the hospital to share the vision with patients prior to and during the garden installation.
An improved ramp enabled easier access to all including in an emergency. Sensory planting was included within the scheme. The circular path provided a route around this small space to increase stamina and practice with mobility aids. A large deck was created on a level with the main ward so providing easy access to enjoy the outdoors without any steps or ramps.